

Dawn Breaks


selected works with electronics

Jaana Kärkkäinen, piano, Mirka Malmi, violin, Tuuli Lindeberg, soprano, among others

Ravello Records
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"The clear strength in this album as a whole is Hynninen’s conceptualization of electronic timbres. Her composition and performance give the electronic components a true voice, and all of her decisions in this domain feel carefully and effectively chosen"

Adam O'Dell
I care if you listen, 2020

Organ Music of the 21st Century


Trois Mondes

Susanne Kujala, organ

Alba Records
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"Kujala's new Alba recording includes an excellent and fascinating collection of works from five Finnish composers. In Trois Mondes for organ and electronics (2010-11), Maija Hynninen takes inspiration from the auditory and visual illusions of Jean-Calude Risset and M.C. Escher."

Anna Pulkkis
Finnish Music Quarterly, 2019

Kuunteletko sinä


Mielen tasapainolajit

The Polytech Choir, conducted by Juha Kuivanen

Polyteknikkojen kuoron musiikkikustannus Oy
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"Maija Hynninen builds her rich and multi faceted composition Mental Balance Variants on two poems by Janne Nummela."

Lauri Kilpiö
Suomen Kuvalehti, 2013